Sunday, May 8, 2016

Why Are We Called "Pest Science"?

     There are many companies these days with "green" products or services. For the most part, they are effective and competitively priced, but there are those out there who just want to make money. They think that anyone who cares about the environment is obviously some kind of gullible hippy and deserves to be taken. They will sell you colored water if they think they can get away with it. Remember, it can't be cost-effective if it's not effective.
     They are just jumping on the "Green" band-wagon. These are the same types who go on TV to promote "So_Called Alternative Medicine".  If you have an honest Doctor, he will tell you that if has been proven to work it IS medicine. Anything else either has not been proven to work or has been proven not to work. But he can't advise you on pest control because that's not his specialty. Just like you wouldn't use some wacky alternative medicine that might interfere with your Doctors treatment, so you shouldn't waste your money on over-the-counter bug sprays that might interfere with your exterminators methods
    Sorting through all the misinformation out there can be a baffling ordeal, but we are here to help. We have done the research so you don't have to. Organic solutions are just one component of Integrated Pest Management. IPM means using every tool in the tool-box. Just because a product is labeled "organic" or "eco-friendly" doesn't mean it works better or is safer. So just like the honest Doctor, we only use materials and methods that have been proven to work. Usually, organics are safer and/or more effective, but sometimes a conventional approach is the best solution for a given problem; there is no way to tell ahead of time. We promise to always be up-front with you and discuss the pros and cons before we do anything. We will never use un-proven tools to try and solve your problem; this is why we call ourselves "pest science".


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